
Mar 10, 2014

Monogoneutic Monday

monogoneutic ~ having only a single brood or litter

I had a busy week last week. That's not to say I got a lot done, I was just busy. ;-)

Monday was kind of a lost day. I was feeling a little off so I picked up the book I'd started on the weekend and didn't put it down again until I was done. Tuesday we had a blizzard and I spent the afternoon helping a friend set up her new lap top. I have to say I don't think much of Windows 8, although I'm sure it's something I could get used to with time. Fortunately, it's my friend who needs to get used to it, not me. :-)

Wednesday I drove the kid to Oakville for a job interview. Thursday I got lots of work done in my office. I've gone through some sort of weird transition where I'm getting my best writing done in the mornings instead of the afternoon or evening, so I've been starting to get up a little earlier. Friday the kid and I were off to Newmarket for another interview, but this time the wait was going to be considerably longer so we made a pit stop in Bowmanville to pick up a friend for me to hang out with.

The weekend was mostly domestic stuff - nothing too exciting, although I did make a lemon cheesecake on Sunday that is to die for. I've never tried lemon in a cheesecake before, and I must say I'll be trying it again. I think it's my new favourite. Definitely lighter tasting than my old stand by, peanut butter cheesecake.

I'd really like at least a couple of days this week to be a repeat of Thursday, as in getting lots of work done. This might be a good week to try writing in the coffee shop - I don't really have anything else on the go or any place else I need to be.

The weather's been kind of up and down lately - one day mild, the next day cold, one day sunny, the next overcast - and this week looks like it'll be more of the same. Aside from not knowing from one day to the next what to wear, this kind of weather gives me headaches. I had to restock my Advil.

Only ten days left until spring!

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