
Mar 28, 2014

What I'm Reading

I actually did make a bit more of an effort to squeeze some reading in last week. It was still a little bit here and there, but I'm making progress. :-)

Electronic Books

The electronic reading was kind of a bust. I did not fire up George even once last week. I'm sorry George! I promise I'll do better next week, really I will. :-)

So . . . there was no progress on The Cobweb Bride by Vera Nazarian, or Mr. Love by Sally Mason, or Dark Love by Claudy Conn.

I did manage to download a few more free books though.

For those of you on a limited (or like me, non-existent) budget, I highly recommend Pixel of Ink where they feature a daily selection of free or bargain books from Amazon.

Tree Books

I finished The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance and it's made me very sad because I want to read more time travel romance. :-( Twenty stories and each one very different, which is a feat in itself. There were a couple of them I'm sure I've read elsewhere, but that's not surprising in a book this size. If you like time travel and you like romance, go buy this book. You won't be disappointed.

I didn't get back to Hunting the Corrigan's Blood by Holly Lisle. Actually, I seem to have misplaced it. I'm sure it's in one of my stacks of books somewhere, I just have to find it. :-)


And I finished Sword and Sorceress III. Again, this makes me sad. But at least with this one being a series of anthologies I can start reading Sword and Sorceress IV next.

Shameless Plug

Woot! *throws confetti in the air* I'm pleased to announce that after two years in the making, An Elemental Water, Book III of the Ardraci Elementals, is now available for sale!

You may purchase it from Smashwords right now, and later today it will be available through other e-distributers as well. Remember, I write these posts the night before and the other links were not available at the time. In fact, if you're reading this message then you're an early bird. I'll be deleting this once the other links go live. ;-)

At any rate, the introduction price for the e-book is $1.99, but only until the end of April. On May 1 the price will go up to $2.99.

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