
Apr 7, 2014

Maenadic Monday

maenadic ~ furious; bacchanalian

I may be wrong, but I think maybe - just maybe, mind you - that spring might actually be here. And why might I be thinking that? Why, the arrival of our annual visitors, Daphne and Donald.

They arrived at dinner time and didn't seem bothered at all when I went out onto the deck to take their picture. Nor did they mind when one of the cats escaped onto the deck as well.

I am forced to admit that once again I only got the minimum of writing done last week. Blame the weather, blame my mood, blame the stars not being in the correct alignment. Whatever it was, I've had enough of it.

Starting today, I'm setting myself a daily word goal of 500 words. Words for blog posts and emails do not count, however new words I add when editing do. And once I'm able to reach 500 words a day easily - I'll be upping the goal.

So . . . if I wasn't writing all week, what was I doing? The most logical assumption you'd make here is that I was reading, instead of writing. But no, other than articles and blog posts on the internet, I didn't read a blessed thing last week.

What I was doing was working on my scrap-ghan - my afghan made from all the various odds and ends of yarn left over from other projects. I did 10 twelve inch squares and 40 six inch squares. If you scroll down to Friday's post you can see the pictures of the finished squares.

I have since added a border of cream coloured yarn to each square and used the granny square stitch to join them together. Now, all that's left is to go around the whole thing just one more time. Once it's done I'll likely be raiding my yarn stash to create another granny square afghan. Just because I can. :-)

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