
Apr 21, 2014

Myophobia Monday

myophobia ~ fear of mice

Happy Easter Monday!

Personally, I'm happy that the holiday weekend is over with. LOL I was busy busy the whole weekend, which actually was actually kind of a nice change from my usual . . . not busy.

Saturday morning I started my day by making a list. Actually, I made a bunch of lists. First there was a master list of everything I need/want to accomplish, and then I broke it down into categories, like . . . things I need to do daily, weekly, occasionally or just once. Then I made a to-do list specifically for Saturday and again on Sunday.

I did better on Sunday than Saturday as far as following these lists go, but that's because I failed to take into account the sheer size of one of the projects I was trying to undertake on Saturday. Namely, indoor gardening. I like plants, and I have a lot of them. But sometimes I forget to water them for like . . . a month. So they tend to die on me. And if I trim a plant I'll stick the cuttings in water 'cause, you know, you wouldn't want to throw a healthy plant out, right? So then I end up with four hydroponic Wandering Jews, which only really works when you remember to replenish the water. :-)

But I had help with my indoor gardening. First there was Taz, who felt it necessary to inspect the plants I was repotting in case they were tasty:

Then Julius joined him on the table while Dante waited underneath for them to throw him some vines:

I'll spare you the list of all the plants I potted and/or repotted. But here's a few of the ones on the bookcase in the dining room:

And on the kitchen window sill:

And I hope you noticed my pineapples. I'm particularly proud of them. There's one in a pot in the dining room, and one I've just started in the kitchen. And that little container beside the cat pot has some bird house gourds in it. They were an impulse purchase at the dollar store - the kit came with the little cup, a peat pellet that you pour water onto to rehydrate, and three seeds. You're supposed to be able to create birdhouses with the gourds these plants produce. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

This week didn't start out so great for me, but it picked up as it went along. Among other things I fixed one of the tabs at the top so it reads Current Projects and if you click on it, it'll take you to my writing blog where all I talk about is my writing. And I fixed that blog as well. It's fairly new and went through some growing pains, but after trying out many different backgrounds and styles, I finally settled it down to look pretty much like this one.

I also started a new crochet project. When I was working on the catghan, Dante (he's the cat on the floor in the picture of my helpers) really wanted to snuggle into it, so I promised him I'd crochet him his own afghan when I was done. So I've started one for him. It's all in one piece, six-sided, and so far it's just burgundy (for some reason cats really like the colour red - or at least my cats do) but I think I might add a couple of rows of navy to it, just for variety.

This week's lists will include lots of writing. Even when I was doing all that messing about with plants I had a couple of good thoughts about some of my current projects, which I promptly wrote down when I took a break. I think taking the weekend off from writing was good for me. I'm itching to get back at it.

It's about time! :-)

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