May 23, 2014
What I'm Reading
Despite the fact I had a lot of other stuff going on, I managed a fair bit of reading last week. And I've found a new way of keeping track of what I'm reading too. I add it to the bottom of my daily to-do list so I don't forget (which I tend to do).
Electronic Books
Once again there was no progress on The Cobweb Bride by Vera Nazarian, Mr. Love by Sally Mason, or Dark Love by Claudy Conn, but again progress was made on the Darlings of Paranormal Romance anthology.
I read the fifth story/novel/novella, entitled A Grave Exchange, by Tara Rose. This is why I suffered through the . . . shall we say, less professional stories. To get to one like this that was thoroughly enjoyable. It was about a centuries old vampire who finds his soul mate and was way too short. :-)
I also read The Early Girl Gets the Blood Wolf, by Michele Bardsley. This short story is part of her Broken Hearts series, but it's still enjoyable on its own. I believe it's still free on Smashwords, so get it while you can!
Tree Books
Again I didn't get back to Hunting the Corrigan's Blood by Holly Lisle. I meant to, I honestly did, but I just didn't have time.
I was in dire need of some mind candy on the weekend, so while I was cleaning out one of the bookcases in my office, I picked up Million-Dollar Nanny, by Jacqueline Diamond. I enjoyed this rather sweet romance about a socialite who loses all her money and ends up working as nanny for her handsome neighbor. I think the thing I liked best about her was that although she was ill-equipped for situation she now found herself in, she never lost her optimism, no matter what was thrown at her.
Although this has been one of my more consistent reads, I only managed a couple more stories from Sword and Sorceress V.
I'm afraid there was only a little, tiny bit of progress on Memory and Dream by Charles de Lint. What can I say? Apparently I'm rather fickle when it comes to my books. ;-)
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