
Jun 30, 2014

Misaunter Monday

misaunter ~ misadventure or mishap

Happy Canada Day tomorrow to all my fellow Canadians, and Happy Independence Day to all my American friends on Friday. Looks like you guys get the last laugh 'cause you're getting a proper holiday weekend. :-)

And most of all, Happy End of June! I gotta tell you, I am SO glad to see the last of this month. June may be busting out all over in the song, but the month was just a plain old bust as far as I was concerned.

But today marks the halfway point in the year, so I think maybe it's time to revisit my goals for the year to see how I'm doing. To refresh your (and my) memory, my goals for the year were (in no particular order):

1. Organize my days
2. Publish three books
3. Do more self-promotion
4. Submit short stories and poems on a regular basis
5. Find a writing schedule I can live with and stick to it
6. De-clutter
7. Catalogue my books
8. Exercise more
9. Start using up the wool stash in my craft closet
10. Read more and more of a variety

So . . . how am I doing so far?

1. Organize my days.
The purpose of this was to be more productive, and in that respect I think I'm doing well. I may not be more organized, but I'm definitely getting more accomplished, so I'll give myself a half checkmark here.

2. Publish three books.
I've got one under my belt, and the second one is getting there, so again I think I deserve half a checkmark. While I'm pretty sure the second one will be out before the end of the year, I have my doubts about the third one. But life can be tricksy, so you never know. ;-)

3. Do more self promotion.
Complete and utter fail so far. I'm not even going to try and justify myself here.

4. Submit short stories and poems on a regular basis
Yeah . . . have I mentioned what the road to hell is paved with? That's me in a nutshell. Full of good intentions.

5. Find a writing schedule I can live with and stick to it
Boy do I ever wish I could give myself a checkmark here. But alas, I cannot.

6. De-clutter
I've actually had moderate success with this one, just ask the Diabetes Association who sends a truck out into the wilds once every month or so to collect cast off clothes and household items. I think I deserve a whole checkmark here.

7. Catalogue my books
I have begun the Great Book Migration and organization, and that includes cataloguing as I go alone, which is why it's taking forever. So I only get half a mark here because I've just barely scratched the surface.

8. Exercise more
Okay, I deserve two checkmarks here. Several months ago I started working out with hand weights every day, and just recently I've added a daily ride on the stationary bike (I call it my daily 'read' because I read my Kindle while I ride). I haven't been losing any weight, but I've been losing inches.

9. Start using up the wool stash in my craft closet
I get a check mark here too. Even though I've had to buy yarn to supplement what I've been using, I have been using up the yarn from my stash. And I have the two afghans to prove it. :-)

10. Read more and more of a variety
Yeah, I think I deserve a checkmark here too. Even just looking at what I have in the queue on my Kindle, I have a variety. So many books, so little time to read them all. Must read faster!

Let's add them up. If we allow the two checkmarks for exercise more, then that's 6 1/2 out of 10. Not bad for the halfway point of the year. Don't you agree?

So . . . how're you doing on your goals for the year?

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