Jul 9, 2014
Of Books and Nooks . . .
The Nook is getting very close to being done! So close, in fact, that the next time I post here I hope to have it finished. Here's what it looked like as of last night:
Those are the science fiction and fantasy paperbacks that are part of my permanent collection. Oh. All except for my Charles de Lint books. And the anthologies. Um . . . and a stack of 8 or 10 game based books - Forgotten Realms, I believe. But other than that . . . LOL
Okay. The Charles de Lint books go in their own bookcase. I only have a handful of his in paperback and that's only because I couldn't find/afford them in hardback. One of my goals is to complete my collection of his, but all in hardback. The anthologies . . . I didn't realize how many anthologies I have! If the anthology is part of a connected series, like Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover anthologies (which have stories written by her fans), or say C.J. Cherryh's Merovingen Nights series, then they go in that author's space. But the stand alone anthology series, like Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress, or the Year's best Fantasy, are going on the top shelf of the bookcase in front of my desk. So I have said, so mote it be! ;-)
What is it about these good ideas of mine that turn into these monsters of Godzilla-like proportions? Remember the The Organization of the Craft Closet? Or the the Great Office Organization? I honestly didn't realize this whole book nook/book organization project would turn into such a monster. Would I have started it if I'd known what it was going to turn into? Yeah, probably. Because that's just the way I am.
So. The nook is more or less finished, I just need to step up the pace of the Great Book Migration. In some ways the hard back books will be easier because they're already in alphabetical order . . . mostly . . . but they will need to have a good dusting.
The risers for the bottom shelf are done and painted, but it's been so damp lately the paint's taking a little longer to dry. We're down to the fun stuff now. This weekend I'll be working on the pad for the bench and the throw pillows for my back. And I'll have to figure out some lighting for in there. So far I've been using the hubby's clip on light, but he's going to want it back eventually, and there's no cover on it so it's a little hard on the eyes.
In the meantime, the nook already has its first guest. Actually, from the looks of him, I think he's in it for the long haul.
Just wait 'till I get the cushion in there for him to sleep on! ;-)
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