
Dec 1, 2014

Multiscience Monday

multiscience ~ knowledge of many things

Happy first day of December!

This is the year's last chance for me to have a good month for a change.

But wait, you say. I can see by the NaNo widget on the right that you once again won NaNo. Doesn't that make November a good month?

Not even remotely. November is never a good month for me, and this one was pretty brutal. It was one of the greyest, most dismal Novembers ever, weather-wise. I had this on-going battle with tiredness which was probably a combination of several things. And there was just a lot of unexpected things going on. So yeah. I'm not sad to see the last of November.

I won the NaNo challenge, but I didn't quite finish the book. I'm pretty close though, so I have every expectation I'll finish it over the next week or two. However, counting that book, as well as Lucky Dog, which is technically finished but not edited, and Earth, I have twelve, count 'em, TWELVE unfinished novels.

I think next year needs to be all about finishing some of them. :-D

But hooray! NaNo's over. That means I can finally relax a bit, maybe even read a book once in a while. Venture outside to soak up some vitamin D. Oh, wait. No I can't. Christmas is just around the corner and I've got a few Christmas projects to finish.

Speaking of finishing, I only got three of the four pieces finished for the set I crocheting for my grandbaby. I finished a cowboy hat, diaper cover, and chaps, but not the vest. The chaps are absolutely adorable, and I'm really glad I took the time to put the fringe on them. I will post a picture next week when I have the vest done too.

And once I get the vest done, I can start working on a couple of knitting projects I had in mind for Christmas. It might make a nice break from the grueling writing pace I've been setting the last couple of months.

Or maybe not. ;-)

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