Despite the dismal weather outside (grey, cold, and windy), I've had a pretty good day today. Call me superstitious, but I can't help but believe that it sets the tone for the whole year. And yeah, I know I'm supposed to be on a blogging break this week, but I couldn't do the recap post yesterday and not follow up with the goals post today. It just wouldn't be right. :-)
So I'm compromising. I'm going to make a list of my goals for the year, but I'm not going to go into any detail about them until Monday. So without further ado, in no particular order, here are my goals/resolutions for 2015:
30 minutes a day reading
500 words a day writing
10 pages a day editing
continue to de-clutter
work on and submit one short story/flash story a month
make better use of social media
spend 30 minutes a day on self promotion
journal on a regular basis
write more letters
give yoga a try
spend 1 hour a day on crafts
organize my books
This list is subject to change . . . you'll have to come back Monday to find out for sure. :-D
But good list to get started with! Good luck. Hope you have a fantastic new year.