
Apr 6, 2015

Myropologist Monday

myropologist ~ one who sells perfume

Did everyone have a Happy Easter? Or at the very least enjoy their three-day weekend?

The temperature has been rising, but the weather man has been calling for snow the last few days. So far we've managed to avoid it, but I'm crossing my fingers anyway. There's still a layer of ice on the pool, although by noon it usually melts around the edges at least.

I had a romantic notion of how my weekend would go: I'd get the outfit I promised to make my granddaughter done on Friday, Saturday I'd make the deserts and carrots I was going to take to the family dinner, and Sunday we'd go to my in-laws for a nice family dinner. I also planned on getting our taxes done and some writing done, in between sewing and baking.

Needless to say, that's not how it happened.

First of all, I hadn't counted on the "help" I got when it came to cutting out the baby's dress.

I actually cut out two different dresses. The material in the picture, while pretty, was a pain in the butt to cut out. It kept shifting. Plus I had to dig through my stash to find some lining for it. The other material was a purple satin to go with the pinafore I crocheted. To make a long story short, I messed up the purple one big time, so I went to start the flowered one, only as soon as I unpinned the first pattern piece of the bodice I knew it was going to be way too big. So I used the leftover purple material to start over.

Saturday went better, as far as the sewing went, but it was still later than I'd hoped when I was able to deliver the finished dress:

So Sunday I was under the wire when it came to the deserts. Originally I'd planned on a couple of pies and a cake. Only then I was asked for cupcakes for the kids to decorate, so I switched the cake to cupcakes. And not just any cupcakes, I made them rainbow by using five different colours of cake batter in each cup - regular sized ones for the grownups, mini ones for the kids. And then I set up a tray with icing, various sprinkles, and jelly beans for the kids to use to decorate them with.

At the back of the picture is the lemon meringue pie I made as well. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? I was a little leery of making it 'cause I've had some bad experiences with meringues before. :-)

And here's a picture of my little Ellie-beans modeling her Easter outfit. Note the flush to her cheeks - it was pretty warm with all those people around and she ended up in her Batman onesie to cool off about halfway through the evening.

Needless to say, I got neither taxes nor writing done over the three-day weekend. I finished the first round of edits on Lucky Dog early in the week and I've started something new, so it was a little frustrating I couldn't get back to it.

And I hardly noticed when April started, which means I didn't sign up for the A to Z challenge, as I'd intended, and I didn't plan anything poetry related, this being National Poetry Month and all.

So . . . since I posted the final chapter of Earth last week and I haven't quite made up my mind what I'm going to do with my Thursday space, I guess I'll be posting something poetry related on Thursdays for the rest of the month.

But for today I'm going to take it easy and count my lucky stars the next big family get together won't be until Thanksgiving. And that, my friends, is truly something to be thankful for. :-D

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