
Apr 22, 2015

Wreck This Journal - Week Eight

For anyone who's new, you can catch the previous weeks here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4
Week 5, Week 6, Week 7,

I was in a doodling mood on the weekend, so I managed to wreck a couple more pages of my journal.

The first page I was instructed to Use This As a Test Page for Pens, Paints, Markers, Or Art Supplies. While I do have a large stash of art supplies, I chose to use it instead as a test page for the pens and markers on and in my desk.

I have quite the assortment, don't I? What can I say, I like coloured pens! And markers. :-D

The other page I did told me to Trace the Things in Your Bag (or Pockets). Let the lines overlap. To make it easier to see I used a different colour for each item.

Then I got the bright idea to number them objects. As you can see, there are 12 of them. I challenge you to try and figure out what these items are. You can leave your guesses in the comments, or if you're shy you can email them to me at carolrward(at)gmail(dot)com. You can also request a better copy of the picture to make it easier for guessing.

If I get enough people guessing, I'm even willing to cough up a prize for the person who gets the most right. :-D

Join me here next week to see how I've wrecked my journal. And I'll include the list of objects from my purse.

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