
Nov 7, 2016

Megistotherm Monday

megistotherm ~ plant requiring very high temperatures

I have to tell you, week one of NaNoWriMo did not get off to an auspicious start. I did attend a write-in at a local restaurant on November 1 where I met some fellow writers and knocked off about 1400 words in 2 hours, and that was pretty much it for the bulk of the week.

Wednesday, after I got home from babysitting, my health took a turn for the worse. I don’t know if it was food poisoning or an really bad IBS attack, but I was really sick. Wednesday night was a total write-off, the hubby was lucky I was able to make him dinner.

Thursday and Friday I managed to babysit, but I have to admit that I was rescued by the Paw Patrol. For those who do not have access to small children, Paw Patrol is the animated adventures of a team of puppies in Adventure Bay to whom everyone turns to if they have a problem. “No job is too big, no pup is too small!” The grandbaby would quite happily watch it for hours, not that she’s allowed to. But she may have got a little extra TV time for those two days.

Excessive tiredness was part of whatever I had, so I also spent a lot of time napping, when I wasn’t babysitting. Saturday I was starting to feel a little better, but it wasn’t until Sunday that I started feeling like my old self.

I got a few words in for NaNo on Saturday, but by Sunday I was 8,000 words behind. So naturally I decided that would be the day I needed to clean out my closet.:-) To be fair, it’s a job I’d been putting off for a while now and it seriously needed to be done. And it also included cleaning out my dresser and reorganizing everything.

It’s been pointed out that I haven’t made a report on the progress of the bathroom renovation lately. That’s because there’s really not much to report. Hubby’s still filling and sanding to make the walls level (for want of a better word) so he can prime them and start putting the tile up.

In the meantime, he has two other projects on the go. One is the stand for the bathroom sink:

Okay, so it’s upside down and a little hard to judge from the picture, but trust me, it’s going to be really cool. Picture it right side up, with another shelf, and painted an as yet to be determined colour. LOL

And the other project, as I believe I’ve mentioned in previous posts, is a toy chest worthy of a pirate for the grandbaby. As you can see, it’s almost finished:

This week I’m hoping to at least start catching up on my NaNo words. Every day I fall 1667 words behind, so I need to write better than 2000 words a day to even keep my head above water. Will I reach the 50,000 word goal? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I don't do nano. I believe the deadline works against me. That's my excuse. ;=}
