
Jun 12, 2017

Misosophy Monday

misosophy ~ hatred of knowledge or wisdom

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a giant light bulb. It’s the apocalypse! No, it’s ... the sun!!

We actually got a couple of days of sun last week. And the temperature rose enough that I was able to have the deck doors open during the day and we could leave the windows open at night. Yesterday we even had dinner out on the patio.

Thanks to all the rain we had earlier in the week, my garden was totally rocking the sunshine and all my seeds are starting to come up - the wildflowers in the planter boxes and even the dill in the top of the herb pot.

And of course along with the nicer weather came the “changing of the closets.” I put away some (not all) of my heavier clothing and brought out the lighter stuff. It’s always fun discovering clothes you forgot you had. Not so much fun trying to make room for them in the closet. LOL

Of course I didn’t start out with the intention of switching the closets over. I went digging through the storage closet looking for what little we kept of the daughter’s old Barbie stuff for the grandbaby. When we were at playgroup on Friday she spent the whole time playing with Barbies and I promised her I’d find her mother’s old stuff. Sadly, I gave most of it away long before the grandbaby was born - her mother didn’t want it and I didn’t want to keep storing it.

While I had the storage closet open I found my summer clothes and filled a couple of boxes with junk to donate. It’s amazing the way junk breeds, isn’t it? No matter how much you get rid of, there’s always more to take its place.

And of course along with the changing of the clothes goes the changing of the shoes. Up until Saturday I was wearing socks and shoes. I’m not sure where all my summer shoes went, I checked the shoe closet and only found one pair of sandals. Obviously I put them somewhere to get them out of the way in the fall. I just have to figure out where. LOL

The daughter and I went to see Wonder Woman on the weekend - it was pretty awesome. I’ve never been a particular fan of this super hero, so I went with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. There are so many ways they could have ruined the movie - turning it into a jiggle-fest, having the man taking charge - but they didn’t.

The casting was perfect (Gal Gadot rocks!) and I loved the back-story of her growing up. And the Amazons were totally bad ass! I’m not going to say too much more because I don’t want to spoil it if you haven’t already seen it. And if you haven’t, why not? Go see it!

Right now!

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