
Aug 7, 2017

Martyrium Monday

martyrium ~ shrine erected in memory of a martyr

You know, it’s really feast or famine with me lately, isn’t it? I either have nothing at all to say, or way too much. Today’s post bodes to be a long one. ;-)

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we’ll start with a picture:

This is the landing going to the upstairs of our house. It just cries out for something, doesn’t it? I figured it would be the perfect spot for a bookcase. Maybe two. Surprisingly enough, the hubby was onboard with the idea, so when we were out of town on Saturday we stopped by one of the many Walmarts around and bought a couple of those bookcases you have to put together yourself.

Unfortunately, they no longer make the 48 inch high ones. Our choices were limited to 30 inches high, or 72 inches high. Seriously, it was a no brainer. Why buy a tiny bookcase when you can buy a huge one?

What we failed to take into consideration was the depth of it. Having those bookcases along that wall would remove 12 inches of depth from the landing. *sigh* So now we’re stuck with two, six foot high bookcases that have no home. But wait!

In the dining room, against one wall, is a smaller bookcase. It’s only 42 inches high, about 48 inches wide, and more importantly it’s only 6 inches deep. However, it also doubled as a plant stand, a CD holder, and general catch all. To be honest, it was a little unhandy as part of it was tucked away behind another table/cabinet that I also had plants on top of.

This is the stuff that came out of this bookcase:

There used to be a mirror hanging above this bookcase, but when we re-did the bathroom we relocated the mirror to there, leaving an empty space above the bookcase. Two six foot high bookcases would cover up that empty space nicely, even if they were kind of pale for that room. But wait!

In my office I have three 6 foot high book cases in a darker colour. It would be a pain in the butt to swap them out, and I was okay with having mismatched bookcases in my office in the name of having the dining room look more coordinated. But wait!

When I added the third bookcase they no longer made the maple coloured ones, so I had to get a birch coloured one. My bookcases were already mismatched, what I’d be doing is make them all coordinated.

So... the two new, birch bookcases went into my office.

The two bookcases from my office went into the dining room.

And the bookcase from the dining room went up on the landing.

So. Let’s recap shall we? The bookcase from the dining room was emptied and moved to the landing. The two new bookcases went into my office and the two matching ones from my office were emptied before going into the dining room. Now I just have to re-fill them all.

Sometimes, bright ideas grow a little dimmer with the execution. ;-)

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