
Mar 26, 2018

Mycteric Monday

mycteric ~ of, like or pertaining to the nostrils

Well, I’ve found something I hate even more than the time change. Windows 10.

If you’re a reader of my Other Blog then you already know about my search for a new lap top. As much as I love my Samsung, I’m almost afraid to turn it off for fear it won’t start up again. The night it slowed down to an absolute crawl I quickly began backing up all my important stuff onto a flash drive, just in case.

The decision of which lap top to buy wasn’t an easy one. To be honest, I’m not as techy as I used to be and I find that one lap top is pretty much like another. So I made a wish list of what I wanted in a new machine and found my dream machine, had trouble with the ordering process, modified my wish list, and went to Staples where I finally bought my new lap top off the shelf. The only thing it fell short on was the battery life, but to be honest I seldom need to run off the battery for more than a couple of hours at a time, so no big deal.

While a back lit keyboard was on my wish list, the bonus with my new lap top is that it’s multi-coloured and I can set it for any or all the colours. But unfortunately, the big drawback with my new lap top (which would be the same for any new lap top) is that it came with Windows 10, with its eleventy billion useless (to me) apps that seem mostly geared for information mining.

And what’s with all these freaking updates? If you didn’t have it right to begin with, don’t release your product and then expect the consumer to constantly update. I mean seriously! I wasn’t even all the way through the set up process when it decided to update. And update. And update. Several hours later I left it running and went to bed. When I got up the next morning it was just finishing up. I was able to finish my setup, access the main screen, AND THEN IT UPDATED AGAIN!

Once it finished I pretty much shut it down and didn’t open it again until the weekend, after I spent a couple of hours cleaning up my office. I found myself spending more time than I strictly needed to reorganizing files, realized I was just putting off having to deal with the new lap top, and cleared off my desk to make room for it.

I’d like to say I was able to start actually writing on it, but I’d be lying. Clearing off the crap and loading my own stuff on it is going to take some time. I have no idea what most of these “apps” are or do so I don’t want to just willy-nilly start deleting stuff off. And I’m not going to start loading my own stuff on there until I’ve got everything else off.

Guess I’m getting overly cautious in my old age. ;-)

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