
Sep 23, 2019

Metabasis Monday

metabasis ~ transition; transfer

Holy rigatoni Batman, why is it so hot out???

There I was, enjoying the super cool (but not quite cold) nights that made sleeping a pleasure, and suddenly we’re sweating up a storm again. I do not like this. At. All!

And I would like to point out, this is the first day of Fall, so cut it out mother nature!

I had the pleasure of the grandbaby’s company for a while yesterday morning (so her parents could enjoy one of the local festivals) and I gotta admit, it was nice seeing her. I think she gets so much play time in during the school week that she just wants to relax on the weekend. Her parents took her to day one of the festival and she was NOT a happy camper.

She declined baking brownies with me (which, given how hot it was, I don’t blame her) so instead we went outside and checked out the gardens and she had fun fishing leaves out of the pool. Then after lunch we did something I’ve been promising for a couple of weeks but for one reason or another we never managed to do – make s’mores.

I might also mention at this point that it was incredibly humid out (which raises the heat by a good ten degrees). This fact is important because it contributed to the quality of fire we were able to build.

I would also like to mention that during the pool building/fencing days, the hubby built a 7 ft long, 3 ft wide, and 3 ft high box to hold all the wood he had kicking around the back yard. This box is filled with wood to burn and there was a pile of dead limbs and another pile of twigs on top of it.

It was either move all the crap off the top of the box or use it for the fire. Guess which I did?

I started with balled up paper, covered it with the twigs in a somewhat lopsided pyramid shape, then put the cut up limbs on top of that (also in a pyramid shape). The boy scouts would be proud. The limbs were a little bigger than I would have liked, but that’s all I had.

So I light the fire and the paper catches and the twigs catch and the logs just smoulder. The grass is pretty wet, which meant there was a heavy dew the night before, which meant the wood was pretty damp. There were not enough twigs to keep burning long enough to dry the wood sufficiently to properly catch fire. I tried adding more paper, even some cardboard, but all I got for my effort was watery eyes and lungs full of smoke.

I cooked one marshmallow anyway, and it was beautifully golden brown, and the grandbaby decided she wanted her s’mores raw. As in, slap some chocolate and a marshmallow between two graham crackers and eat it like that.


Should have stuck to brownies.

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