
Dec 2, 2019

Monology Monday

monology ~ habit of offering soliloquies or monologues

The picture above shows what I got to do last week. My girls invited me to go with them to the local Crock-A-Doodle and of course I said yes. Time with my girls doing something creative? No brainer!

The idea was for the grandbaby to work on a Christmas present, with a little help from mom and grandma of course, but we’d never been to Crock-A-Doodle before and we may have gone just a wee bit crazy.

What is Crock-A-Doodle you ask? It’s a pottery studio where you go and have a ball painting pottery. Once you’re done you don’t even have to clean up your own mess, just leave it on the table with your pottery. They’ll fire your piece(s) and you pick them up a week later.

The down side to this is that it’s a little pricy. I’m not going to say exactly how much, but put it this way. I wouldn’t pay that much for one of the finished pieces if I saw it in a store. But it seems worth it when you make it yourself.

We weren’t very well organized. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, and we didn’t have anything planned other than it sounded like fun. It was that, but we didn’t count on how time consuming it would be. And because we’d never been there before we didn’t think to research designs for painting, so mine ended up kind of plain. I have my eye on a piece for next time though, and that one I will plan ahead.

As well as the present the grandbaby painted, she and her mom did matching mugs that look like whales (for hot chocolate) and I did a pair of mugs for myself. They’re big, and hopefully will replace a couple of large, chipped tea mugs I have in the cupboard. If I change my mind about their size and shape (I waffled for a good 15 minutes before settling on them), they may end up as Christmas presents. LOL

A lot of the fun comes in not know exactly how your piece will look until it’s been fired. The paint looks a lot different when you’re applying it than after it’s been baked. And it depends on how many coats you’ve applied.

Can’t wait until Wednesday to see how they turned out!

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