
Feb 24, 2020

Mousseline Monday

mousseline ~ very fine glassware

Thursday was a really good day for me last week. First of all, I scored a couple of extra shirts at Tai Chi. When you sign up you get a plain, navy blue shirt with the Taoist Tai Chi logo on it and it’s pretty boring. Even more so when you’re surrounded by people who’ve been doing it for years and they have a variety of “pretty” shirts.

It used to be you could just buy more shirts, but because the Taoist Tai Chi is a charitable organization and the tax laws have since changed, you can’t do that any more. At least not in Canada. If you want a new shirt you pretty much have to go to Florida to buy one.

However, one of the other newbies and I were whining begging asking one of the instructors about new shirts and she just happened to come into possession of several gently used shirts and offered them to us. They weren’t exactly my colours (I took a pale green one and a bright orange one) but beggars can’t be choosers. Squeaky wheel gets the grease! Or in my case the shirt.

The other notable event on Thursday was my poetry reading. One thing I discovered with selecting (and rejecting) poems for the reading is that I have a lot of poetry. I really need to start doing something with it.

The reading went well; I stuck with forms, which is what I do best. And I ended with my favourite form, the parody, just to leave ‘em laughing. Several people came up to me to make positive comments, and the guest poet even told me he’d never heard of several of the forms I used. Go me!

The only other excitement for the week was the trip hubby and I made to Costco on Wednesday. This also included a trip to Chapters where he spent more money than I did (a LOT more) and a quick trip through the mall. We finished it off with dinner at the Keg, using the gift card the grand baby gave us for Christmas.

It’s just a thrill a minute around here, I tell you what. :-D

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