
Jun 29, 2020

Megameter Monday

megameter ~ instrument for determining longitude by observing stars

A few weeks ago I posted a picture I’d taken last year of one of the neighbourhood foxes and lamented about not seeing the foxes much anymore. Well, I may not see them in our backyard, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still in the neighbourhood.

One evening around suppertime, I saw this little guy and his mother just up the crescent:

His mother disappeared into a culvert as soon as she saw me coming, but this little guy stayed around to have a chat. They make the weirdest noises! He actually posed for several pictures before getting bored. He trotted up the driveway he was sitting on and disappeared into a back yard.

I think the people in that house are putting food out for them – and if they are it’s a very misguided kindness. While I appreciate being able to get close enough to almost touch him, not everyone looks on the foxes kindly. It’s never a good idea for wildlife to become too trusting of humans.

That being said, I would totally put food out for the wildlife if I lived further out in the country where people are fewer and further between. :-)

It’s kind of ironic that I’ve always lived right on the edge of town but it’s only been since the area’s started to build up that we’re seeing more wildlife. We never saw foxes or coyotes when I was a kid and we had woods and fields all around us. We didn’t even have raccoons or rabbits raiding my mother’s substantial garden (more than half an acre).

Now there’s only one small patch of woods that’s being protected, and the fields have been ploughed under for subdivisions.

In other news . . . I freaked myself out yesterday when I thought I’d lost the bookmarks icon off my browser’s menu bar. I’d bookmarked a couple of my favourite “match 3” games so I wouldn’t have to keep scrolling through the entire page, and next thing I knew my bookmarks were missing from the menu bar. I could add bookmarks, I just couldn’t access my bookmark list.

The ones I have sitting on the menu bar, the ones I use most frequently, were still there, but the rest of them were gone. And worse, I had no idea how to get them back. I cautiously checked a couple of settings in my browser but didn’t want to make things worse. Then I just happened to notice a folder where there wasn’t a folder before.

I don’t know what I clicked on or how I did it, but somehow I moved my bookmarks folder from the right side of the menu bar to the left.

Man, I tell you. Some days it just isn’t worth chewing through the restraints!

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