
Sep 28, 2020

Maltster Monday

maltster ~ one who makes or deals in malt

We’ve been having what I think of as the perfect summer weather (even though it’s fall now) – bright and warm during the day, cool enough to sleep without air conditioning at night. Yesterday the breeze wafting in the windows was warm enough the air conditioning kicked in.

Apparently my roses like this weather too. The picture above was taken of the white rose in my garden. Too beautiful to pick, but a picture will preserve it forever.

The basement is pretty much done. I did say the hubby tends to go full steam ahead with projects, didn’t I? The guy that was taking away our old furniture came sooner than we thought he would, so the old furniture and carpet got toted away. Good riddance!

The hubby had already started the floor, doing it in sections. First he’d treat the cement with this special stuff to get rid of any residual smell/bacteria, then he laid down this stuff called Dricore, which has moisture barrier on one side and pressboard on the other, and on top of that he laid a woodgrain laminate flooring. He finished this on the weekend.

Then yesterday we drove up to Peterborough to look at new furniture for it. He fell in love with a reclining love seat in one of the local stores, but for the main seating he had his heart set on a sectional sofa to replace the sofa and love seat we had to get rid of. Unfortunately, the way they’re making sectionals these days (with a lounge on one end) it just wouldn’t work in the space we have.

The good news is, we found a sofa and love seat that we both liked that will fit perfectly. The bad news is it’ll take 6 to 8 weeks to be delivered. *sigh*

In other news . . . I walked down to the waterfront to meet with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. We had a lot of catching up to do and it was nice to do it while sitting in the shade and enjoying the view.

The following night I was down there again, this time to meet up with my poetry group. I’m sure we made a curious sight, sitting in a circle in the dark, flashlights going on and off as we took turns reading.

All that was missing was a camp fire and s’mores.

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