
Jan 25, 2021

Molochize Monday

molochize ~ to offer up or immolate to a god

So . . . the contractor came and installed the cupboard that goes above the microwave and that was pretty much all he was able to do because the microwave (that turned out to be even bigger than our old one) was delivered a few hours after he left. Supposedly he’ll be back today to take care of it.

You might be wondering why he didn’t get the trim up to at least finish the other cupboards. Well, there’s a good reason for that. He was going to, but he opened the wrapping around the trim and discovered . . . it was the wrong stuff. Instead of the thick stuff that goes above the cupboards, it was the thin stuff that goes below them.


But at least we heard from the counter people, and they should be ready by early February. And with any luck the plumber will be able to come the same day to hook up the sinks and dishwasher. Be still my heart! *knock on wood*

In other news . . . I learned something new last week. Foxes can climb fences.

I was sitting in the living reading when a flash of orange out on the deck caught my eye. It was our friendly neighbourhood fox on our deck. Winter has finally come to our neck of the woods and I think he was looking for a drink of water because he went out onto the frozen surface of the pool.

By the time I made it to the deck doors with my camera, he’d crossed the pool, paused at the edge, then jumped down again. I watched to see how he was going to get out of the yard again, and to my surprise he climbed the back fence.

He perched on it for a few seconds, and then followed along the top of it like a squirrel before jumping down into the neighbour’s yard.

It was nice to see my old friend again.

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