
Jun 5, 2021

June Is Busting Out All Over

Good news first. The second surgery went well, and I’m no longer attached to that leaky bag of goo.

The bad news is, I have to go through the whole recovery process again, which so far has been a whole different ball game.

This surgery didn’t take as long, which is probably why they only kept me in the hospital for two days. But I was not impressed with the lack of support/information I’ve been given since they booted me out – no phone calls, no VON visits, a lot more discomfort. *sigh*

Still, I’m getting better every day and I’m even able to sit at the computer for short periods of time. The rest of the time you’ll find me under the beautiful blanket (pictured above) my sister Nancy made me.

Enjoy the sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your update. It is good you are on the road to recovery. Take care.
