Oct 11, 2021
Happy Turkey Day!
I love Thanksgiving because it is a holiday centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.
— Marcus Samuelsson
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.
— Cicero
The funny thing about Thanksgiving, or any big meal, is that you spend 12 hours shopping for it then go home and cook, chop, braise and blanch. Then it’s gone in 20 minutes and everybody lies around sort of in a sugar coma and then it takes 4 hours to clean it up.
— Ted Allen
If you live in Canada, today is Thanksgiving. If you live south of the border then today is named after that guy that didn’t really discover America. LOL But either way, today is a holiday.
We had our big turkey dinner yesterday, but the prep work started Saturday. I did the turnips, carrots, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, which were easy to store in the fridge in foil containers that could got into the oven when the turkey came out.
This year’s turkey was a Butterball, which I’ve never tried before. Normally I go for one of the cheaper utility turkeys, but I guess I waited too long or something (no room in the freezer for one) and it took me three stores before I found one. Walmart only had little ones (although I heard later they got some big ones in), No Frills had none! What kind of grocery store doesn’t have an abundance of turkeys at Thanskgiving? I finally found a large, unstuffed, turkey of considerable size at Metro. It was a little pricey, but worth the effort.
And instead of green beans (I’m still kind of beaned out from the explosion of them during the summer) I decided to try peas. Fresh peas. Which foamed when I cooked them, so I rinsed them before putting them in their designated container, and they smelled really off – how can fresh peas go off? So, not wanting anyone to be sick from my dinner, I sent the hubby off to the store for some frozen ones. LOL
Today I can bask in the glory of another holiday dinner done right. The house is clean, more or less, and the leftovers all fit in the fridge. All I have left to do today is the lemon cheesecake for the daughter’s birthday tomorrow.
Happy holidays, wherever you are!
My Thanksgiving dinner is always a turkey Tv dinner! :=)