
May 16, 2022

I Felt That!

Crafts make us feel rooted, give us a sense of belonging and connect us with our history. Our ancestors used to create these crafts out of necessity, and now we do them for fun, to make money and to express ourselves.
— Phyllis George

I was being so good at the craft store, I really was…. but then I got out of the car and went in.
— Heartfelt Creations

Teach your kids to love crafting then they will never have money for drugs.
— Queen & Company

As you should know by now, I have a weakness when it comes to crafts. So when the stitchery guild I belong to offered a two-part class in needle felting, I jumped at the chance to take it.

Just what is needle felting? I’m so glad you asked. Basically, needle felting is the process where you jab a needle into a piece of wool to tangle and compact it until it’s matted. The more you jab, the more compact the wool will become. You can create a variety of flat or three-dimensional objects using this method.

You pretty much need just three things to get you started: wool, felting needles, and a pad to work on, all of which we received in our kits:

We also received teeny little pots and decorations to finish off our project, which was a miniature succulent. I finished my project at the beginning of my second class, which left me enough time to get started on a second one that I finished at home.

I came home from that first class overly enthusiastic with the whole needle-felting concept, so I immediately went online to my good friend Amazon Prime, to check out what they had to offer in terms of felting paraphernalia. Turns out they had quite a bit to offer. After a LOT of debating, I finally settled on a basic kit, and an additional set of templates.

And not being able to stop there, I ordered two felting books from Prime, and one from Indigo.

While at this time my main focus will be on little projects, I’ve seen a few large projects that look interesting, as well as some two-dimensional art I wouldn’t mind trying. The possibilities are endless with needle felting. And stabbing that needle through the wool is a great way to relieve aggression. :-D

I’m not going to include links to videos or supplies because there are just too many to choose from. But if you think you might be interested in needle felting, you can’t beat YouTube for videos, nor Amazon Prime for supplies.

Now, pardon me while I shop around for more yarn.

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