
Jul 31, 2023

Miscellaneous Monday

Nowhere else can one find so miscellaneous, so various, an amount of knowledge as is contained in a good newspaper.
— Henry Ward Beecher

While knowledge is orderly and cumulative, information is random and miscellaneous.
— Daniel J. Boorstin

Miscellaneous Thoughts:
Give me a home where the buffalo roam and I will give you boredom and isolation.
Want to go to Mars? Spend a week in Red Rock Canyon.
Blueberry muffins last longer because you can't tell when they're moldy.
I came in piece, please assemble.

― Kalifer Deil

Normally when I really don’t have much to talk about I just skip this post altogether, but I didn’t want to do that. I may not have something interesting enough to write an entire post about, but I have a bunch of little stuff.

First we have the weather. How crazy has this been?

We’ve had record breaking heat and insane humidity for a couple of weeks now. What rain we were getting not only did not cool things down, but served only to make the humidity worse. How hot was it? Even the squirrels were melting.

Saturday morning we finally got rain that took the moisture out of the air instead of adding to it. It lasted well into the afternoon but then the sun came out and the temperature dopped as well. That night was the first one in weeks where I could have the windows open and the air conditioning turned off.

But seriously, what’s up with the weather? It seems as though if a place isn’t getting record breaking heat, it’s getting forest fires or floods. Sometimes back to back. Nova Scotia went from wild fires to flooding in the space of a heart beat. I hear Florida is so hot, the temperature of the ocean there registered 100 Fahrenheit. There’s concern that the heated water is going to kill the coral reefs. Death Valley reached 138 Fahrenheit. Where's it going to end?

Penelope has had a couple of run-ins with the hubby, but she still comes to visit in the mornings. She was a little stand offish at one point, but she got over that pretty quickly. Usually the squirrels and birds fight over whatever she leaves in her plate. She doesn’t leave much though, so this morning I took pity on them and filled the bird feeder, leaving some peanuts in the shell on the patio.

The blue jays weren’t interested in posing for me, they were more interested in food and wouldn’t keep still.

The cardinal also wasn’t interested in posing, and took off as soon as he saw me with the phone.

And later in the morning I caught this guy doing his acrobatics to reach the seed in the feeder.

And one morning a few weeks ago I caught this guy on the telephone pole. He, also, declined a photo op, and kept circling the pole as he pecked away.

The kittens are still growing. We figure their birthday is mid-August, so I’ll probably wait a couple of weeks and do a proper post about them then. But in the meantime, to give you an idea of how much they’ve grown . . . here’s a picture of Dinsdale as a kitten:

And here’s a more recent picture of him:

And they’re still growing! They’re certainly not babies anymore.

Blueberries were on sale last week, so naturally I bought some and made a batch of blueberry jam. It takes eight cups of berries to make a batch of jam, and I didn’t realize the pints held about a cup and a half of berries. So I ended up with four cups extra. Now, I could have just made a batch and a half, but where’s the fun in that?

After doing much research on the internet to see what fruit paired well with blueberries, I finally settled on peaches, so my second batch of jam was a spiced peach and blueberry jam. This makes six different kinds of jam I’ve made so far this year.

Aside from making jam, I’ve also been working away at my stitchery, but nothing that’s finished enough to take a picture of. And of course I’ve been looking after the granddaughter. Only a couple of days a week so far, but this week I get her every day.

There are three secrets to looking after her: crafts, the pool, and Disney+. I’ve got it covered, easy peasy. :-)

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