
Oct 2, 2023

Fresh From Kingston

Chilling out on the bed in your hotel room watching television, while wearing your own pajamas, is sometimes the best part of a vacation.
— Laura Marano

Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation?
— Zig Ziglar

I need a six month vacation, twice a year.
— Unknown

Fall means Writersfest, so Thursday morning I loaded the car with my pre-packed suitcase and writing bag, and drove to Kingston where I stayed for the next four days and three nights. Traffic wasn’t bad, and I actually made it in time for my first workshop – first time that’s happened.

The last workshop on Thursday was canceled, so I decided to indulge in a little shopping. I splurged on a moonstone pendant for myself, something I’ve always wanted. It was a little pricy, but not as pricy as the birthday present I got for the daughter. I picked up a belated birthday present for the son-in-law too, and a couple of small things for Christmas.

After dinner I was organizing my things and realized I’d forgotten my diabetic medication. A quick call to the hubby confirmed that my divided pill box was sitting on the kitchen counter. So we figured the quickest, and easiest way to fix this was to meet at the MacDonalds in the Belleville Walmart – the halfway point between Cobourg and Kingston.

By this time it was dark out, and I don’t see well in the dark. Add to that the number of one-way streets, and streets without signage in Kingston, and I ended up hopelessly lost. I did make it back to the highway eventually, but I was 45 minutes late getting to Belleville. But I met my husband, who not only gave me my drugs, but to make me feel better included the new Lynsay Sands book I’d received in the mail that day.

I had a hard time getting to sleep that night – I think my mind was just too wound up. There was this unit in one corner of the room that was really noisy, and I ended up unplugging it.

And of course I had to have the balcony door open, so there were new sounds to get used to – cars, the water lapping on the shore (that sounded like plastic bags being crumpled), and a noise like an X-wing fighter from Star Wars that was produced by cars going over this green thing:

Here’s a view of the sunrise from my balcony, or at least as much of it as I could see:

And Friday night was a full moon. This picture was taken from the waterfront beside the hotel:

And this is what happens when you accidentally take a picture while moving:

I attended some very interesting workshops, which I’ll be talking about on my writing blog. One thing I will say about the Holiday Inn, they treated us well. This was waiting for us at every workshop, along with coffee, tea, and water. It made it hard to be a diabetic.

Other than shopping (which I did WAY too much of), I didn’t do much site-seeing. The workshops took up most of my days, and Thursday evening I was driving to Belleville, Friday evening I was pretty tired, and Saturday night I was getting my stuff ready to go home the next day.

I enjoyed my time away, and even re-connected with a couple of people I’d met at previous Writersfests.

I can’t wait until the next one!

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