
Oct 9, 2023

Happy Gotcha Day!

Perhaps one reason we are fascinated by cats is because such a small animal can contain so much independence, dignity, and freedom of spirit. Unlike the dog, the cat’s personality is never bet on a human’s. He demands acceptance on his own terms.
— Lloyd Alexander

As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind.
— Cleveland Amory

I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things, to me, are expressions of love.
— James Herriot

Today is a day for celebration! We have been blessed with Khaos and Dinsdale for a whole year now! Remember how cute they were?

Just look at them now:

They got a wee bit bigger, didn’t they?

Remember how much they liked their baskets? And how they could snuggle together in the big white one?

Now Dinsdale fills it up all by himself:

Then there were the small baskets. Here’s Dinsdale in his favorite basket back then:

Sadly, he’s having a little trouble fitting inside it now:

Khaos had a favorite basket back then too:

She’s a little smug about the fact she can still fit into her basket:

Every day is a new adventure with these two. Khaos isn’t as cuddly as she used to be, but she likes to snuggle in bed and play blanket monster. Dinsdale, on the other hand, has become more cuddly, but he still has that chronic respiratory problem, so you have to watch out for flying boogers when he starts sneezing.

He was such a cute little guy when he was a kitten:

And he’s still Daddy’s little suck:

Of course Khaos isn’t to be outdone in the cuteness department:

And she’s still pretty petite when compared to her brother, but I think that’s because she’s more active:

It didn’t take long for these two to establish ownership of the humans in the house. They have two very distinct personalities – Khaos lives up to her name. When she’s not snoozing, she’s racing through the house or playing with one of her toys. But she has to know where her people are at all times.

Dinsdale, on the other hand, is so laid back he’s almost comatose at times. His favorite thing to do is snuggle up with a human, whether they want to snuggle or not. And he has absolutely zero respect for the laptops. Laps, apparently, were made for cats, not computers.

Sometimes Khaos is able to persuade him to play chase with her, but what he really loves is to play fetch with the crinkle ball, which he’ll bring to you to throw for him. And he likes to fetch one of the crocheted bookworms if he can unearth it from wherever Daddy has hidden it.

Daddy does not like throwing the bookworm. There are two reasons for this. First of all, it’s like a crocheted string and there’s not much weight to it. And second, Dinsdale doesn’t play fair. He’ll drop it just out of reach and then swat at the hand that tries to pick it up.

I can’t remember what life was like before we got these two, and I can’t image life without them. So happy Gotcha Day guys. Here’s to many more to come.

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