macrobiote ~ long-lived organism
The problem with a long weekend is that I tend to lose track of my days. Yesterday was a holiday for most people (Family Day for a lot of Canadians, President’s Day for you Yankees) and it really felt like Sunday to me. Which means I’m still late with this post, but at least you’re getting it. :-D
The good news is that the Super Mega Death Cold From Hell has been reduced to a sinus cold (which may or may not be an infection, I’m giving it a couple of days to decide), and my back is pretty much okay again.
The bad news is, my energy resources are depleted. We’ve had a couple of weeks of mostly grey weather, and the temperature has been rising. Yesterday and today are rainy, and the forecast is for more of the same for the coming week.
Two weekends ago it looked like this outside:
Then we had a week of on-again/off-again snow and last weekend it looked like this outside:
And no, I did not take that picture at night. That’s how dark it was, but there was lots of snow to compensate. However, this weekend it got mild and rainy, and now the deck looks like this:
Sad, isn’t it? They say winter’s not done with us yet, but I checked out the long range forecast and over the next two weeks the temperature isn’t even going to go down to the freezing mark, so I have my doubts.
In the meantime, I think the grandbaby sums up my opinion of the weather nicely:
Grandbaby looks like a ray of sunshine. I'm glad you are on the mend.