
Feb 26, 2018

Meristic Monday

meristic ~ divided into parts or segments

I had all kinds of wonderful things to my head. But now that I’m sitting here at the keyboard they’ve pretty much vanished without a trace. Ain’t that always the way?

It was a pretty up and down week last week. Most of our lovely snow has gone, except for where it was piled up on either side of driveways and mounds left by the snow plows along the roads. What’s left is not pretty snow either, it’s that dirty, crystallized stuff that hurts when you kick it.

As a result of all that rain and melting snow we got, there was a lot of flooding, including our basement. We’ve always had a bit of a water problem in our basement, but over the years the hubby has worked both indoors and out to alleviate it. Now it only gets bad in cases of extreme water, which we had last week.

You’d think with the unseasonal warm we’d get more sun, but alas that is not the case. So instead of being cold and miserable, we were warm (and wet!) and miserable. The forecast is for the warmer temperatures to continue for the next couple of weeks but to be prepared for a winter storm.

Now that I believe, coming from the weather network. The general rule of thumb for my neck of the woods is to expect snow through the middle of March. The March Break is usually good for skiing. And even Easter has been known to produce a flake or two. I can remember some truly magnificent storms when I was a kid, one in particular in April.

People complain about the cold snow now, but this is nothing compared to what it was 30 or more years ago (thank you global warming!). There was more snow and cold, the kind of cold that froze your nose hairs when you breathed in, and the moisture from breathing out froze on the scarf covering your mouth....and less complaining about it. We just took it in stride - it’s winter, you gotta expect cold and snow.

But there also was no internet back then. No obsessively checking a weather app to see what the temperature is, no logging into Facebook to whine about it. I wonder if we’d feel as cold if we didn’t know what the temperature was?

It’s kind of like getting into the pool in the summer. We have an above ground pool. The hubby uses it a lot in the summer; me, not so much (okay, rarely). But sometimes on a warm day I’ll stick my hand in the water and it feels nice...until the hubby checks the temperature and tells me it’s only 74F.

Nope, changed my mind. Not going in. But I might have, had I not known the water was colder than I like (I prefer 78 to 80 - doesn’t seem like a big difference, but it sure feels like it). Maybe not knowing the temperature would be better for us all.

Next time you want to check on the weather, try looking out the window instead of at your weather ap. You might enjoy the day more.

Wherever you are, stay warm and dry.

1 comment:

  1. I want to swim in a hot tub if the truth be told. I like the water warm.

    After taking a break from blogging, I have had a hard time getting my mojo going. Ironic in that I thought of all kinds of good blog posts when I was taking a break.

    Global warming is a worldwide shame. I'm glad the United States can't leave the Paris agreement until 2020. By then, we could have a different political climate and if not, the rest of the world will go on without us.
