
Mar 12, 2018

Mammock Monday

mammock ~ scrap or shred; a broken piece

First of all, I want to state for the record that I HATE the time change. The purpose it was intended to serve no longer applies, and in the next election I will only vote for the party that promises to get rid of it.


Somewhat quiet week last week, and the same could be said for the weekend, other than a trip to one of the nearby malls. The mall in our town is kind of sad and pathetic, so if you want to do any real shopping it’s an hour drive in any direction but south - we’re right on the lake so if you go south you’ll end up in Lake Ontario. ;-)

Sunday I worked away in my office, going through files and moving folders around. This part of the Great Office Shuffle is turning out to be more complicated than I expected. While I have storage space in the closet, the big question is what should go in there and what needs to be closer at hand. This is made even more complicated by the fact that I’m technically organizing two offices - my new one and my old one.

Files, folders and supplies I need close at hand will go in the filing space of my new office. Supplies and important stuff that I do not need close at hand will go in the old office. Supplies I won’t need very often and files/folders that I want to keep but don’t need close at hand can go in the storage closet.

There is a lot of stuff to go through and shuffle around. Not just blank paper (in various weights and colours) but notebooks (various shapes and sizes), binders, folders, document covers, printable labels, and photo paper. And let’s not forget the files full of....stuff - stories and pictures and information.

In my younger days I used to enjoy cutting up magazines -saving stories, recipes, articles, pictures - even National Geographics weren’t safe from my scissors. This has led to a great number of folders of clippings. Once box I found was all recipes. It looked like at one time I tried to organize them by gluing them to three-ring paper and put them in binders, but it’s got to be at least ten years since I even saw that box.

It kind of put me in the mind of the show on the Arts & Entertainment network called Hoarders. Have you ever seen it? Look it up if you haven’t. I can only watch it for short periods of time, I find it too disturbing. Maybe because I’m such a pack rat and I can relate a little too well to these people. I can live with being a pack rat, but I can’t imagine being a hoarder. Hence the purging of the boxes of files in the offices. And my ongoing efforts to de-junk the rest of the house.

And after all, it’s not like we can take it with us.

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