
Mar 5, 2018

Musomania Monday

musomania ~ obsession with music

Considering it was still February last week, the weather was putting thoughts of spring in the air. We got a bit more sun than we’d been having, and the temperature was downright pleasant.

March first I looked out the back when I was having my breakfast and saw one of these:

The first robin of spring! I took it as a good omen. Until the following day when I woke up to six inches of snow over everything. *sigh* Now it melted rather quickly, as did the snow we got during that night, but still....

Spring doesn’t officially start for another three weeks, and a lot of people believe we’re not safe from the white stuff until after Easter, which is only a week later. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I am so done with winter!

I’m counting on the robins to be harbingers of spring, it’s tradition after all. Another tradition is the changing of the purse. I had an Aunt who had a different purse for every season (as well as a few extra - must be where I got my love of purses from) and the first sign of spring with her was the changing over of the purse.

Though I like purses I tend to stick to one no matter the season. I have a tiny one for when I’m going out somewhere fancy, a big cloth one as an option for summer, and both a medium size and a large red one just because they’re pretty.

My most recent purse was a weird shade of green that almost, but not quite, matched my leather jacket and was big enough to hold my Alphasmart Neo (one of the selling features), should the need arise. I had another one at one time that was an even weirder colour of green and I used it for a long time. I paid a stupid amount for it because it was supposed to be genuine leather. I’m pretty sure the outer layer isn’t supposed to flake off with genuine leather.

If you’re curious as to how you can tell the difference, check out this helpful article from One Leaf

The next purse was definitely genuine leather, the large red one I got from a friend. The problem with it was that there was no shoulder strap and I like a shoulder bag. Then I got the medium sized red purse, thinking I needed a smaller purse. No I didn’t. I like big purses and I cannot lie.

There were several purses I tried in between, some bought at full price and some bought at thrift stores but none that were quite right. I just got rid of a huge purple purse that while it looks nice and I like the size, I’ve never used because the shape is a little unwieldy.

The green purse I was forced to retire was suffering from the same illness that the first green purse had - flaking skin. It lasted really well considering it was a thrift store find, but as much as I loved that purse it was getting really ratty looking. Time to let it go.

So on the weekend I went purse shopping and after much debate and many (many!) rejections, I found a replacement. It’s basic black leather, a little smaller than my old one which means there’s not enough room for my Neo, but plenty for notebooks and my Kindle. Now all that's left is the adjustment period.

I’ve got my new purse, can spring be far behind? What are your favorite signs of spring?

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