
Dec 28, 2020

Melalgia Monday

melalgia ~ pain in the limbs

And so we come to another year’s end. Here, let me open the door for you 2020 – don’t let it hit you in the ass on your way out.

Last year start out on a low note – we had to have one of our two remaining fur babies put down – and never really got much better. Who would have thought a mere virus could have changed the world so much? Well, who other than Stephen King (seriously, read The Stand )?

If you’re an introvert, like me, you’d think the idea of staying home would be pretty appealing, but there’s a big difference between staying home voluntarily and being told to stay home. Still, people learned to adapt. Some made great use of their time and others (like me) did not.

What started out as a two week extension of the March Break became a move to on-line learning for schools. People worked from home where they could and if they couldn’t they just stayed home. As the social distancing continued, our local beach was closed – by public demand –people wore masks when going out in public and stood in lines to shop for necessities.

Things began to open up again and people began to relax, only to have the numbers rise and things starting to shut down again. Still, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. A couple of different vaccines have been developed and even now are being administered around the world. But the speed by which these vaccines passed through the testing stages have opened a whole other can of worms – should we or shouldn’t we trust them? I’m no scientist, so I’ll leave it to the experts to duke it out.

As I write this, we’re back in lock down again. Apparently people are just unable (or unwilling) to learn their lesson and follow the rules. I got to see my daughter and granddaughter at Christmas, so that’ll hold me for a while, but let’s hope the new year brings new hope for the end of the pandemic.

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