Well, the big news is that I won the NaNo challenge – by a mere 83 words – on Friday (although I didn’t finish the actual novel until Sunday). If you want to read more about my thoughts on the experience, you’ll have to go to my other blog. :-)

To be honest I’m surprised I got anything done last week. I was singularly uninspired. I got my blog posts done and I got my NaNo done, but that was pretty much it. Even the ‘poemwork’ I took to my poetry meeting was a recycled poem that fit the criteria.
I read three Harlequin Blazes – one might even say I ‘blazed’ through them. :-)
The weekend, however, was actually pretty good. Got lots of writing done, got lots of laundry done, and Sunday I went on a road trip to Peterborough to buy a funky piece of equipment for my business. And going to Peterborough always means a stop at Starbucks.
This Week’s Goals:
Tuesday: This week’s installment of my series on superstition will be about walking under a ladder. I don’t know about you, but I’m having a lot of fun with this series.
Wednesday: Another Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure – something hot I’ve been saving for all you lucky people with snow.
Thursday: Part V of my Famous Poets series will feature Sir Walter Raleigh. Last week’s poet penned one of my favourite poems, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, and Raleigh penned a response.
Friday: Good question. Now that NaNo’s over (for me, at least) I guess it’s time to think of another serial. I have an idea for the next one in the Elementals series, but I don’t know how it ends yet so I really don’t feel comfortable starting it. So, Friday will be . . . something. Maybe a flash piece, maybe an excerpt from something else, maybe the start of a new serial.
Elsewhere in my week:
Today I get to play with my new toy – an external burner with Light Scribe. It basically allows me to burn information and/or graphics onto CDs and DVDs.
Tonight I have a Scribe’s meeting where I, and a fellow Scribe who also participated in NaNo, will be exchanging novels. No editing allowed. Gulp. Somebody must have slipped something into my tea to get me to agree to this!
I have a whole list of stuff to get done this week, but top of the list is setting up my books for my business. I’ve been good about keeping all my receipts, but that’s as far as I’ve gone. *sigh*
I also have to bite the bullet and clean out my large storage closet. It’s time to start my Christmas crafts and that’s where all the craft stuff is stored. Somewhere. I think I’ll have to post before and after pictures to show off my mad organizing skills.
Business stuff, writing stuff, mundane housework-type stuff. My week is pretty much same old, same old, except I’m no longer under the “get the NaNo written” cloud. Now my cloud is: “Get back to the editing you slacker!”
And there you have it. My week to come. How about you? What’s in store for you this week?
Congrats on your new toy! I think I have Light Scribe on my CD burner, but don't know the first thing about using it. Probably won't either since I never use CD's for data storage anymore. ;-) Have fun!
A snow hunk? Woot! I'll try really hard to send you some snow in return...
Major congrats on winning NaNo! I didn't even get close this year, but it's my own fault. Next year will be better.
More of the same for me - reading (am reading "Mistress Christmas" by Loreli James at the moment - whew! And giddy-up! LOL), writing, editing, and putting off the Christmas decorating until the very last minute... ;-)
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