Urania is not only the Muse of Astronomy and Astrology, but also of astronomy and astronomical writings. Her name comes from the Greek "Ourania", which means heavenly.
She had one son, the bard Linos, by either Apollo or Amphimaros (who was a son of Poseidon), although she is sometimes credited as the mother Hymenaeus as well (along with Calliope and Terpsichore). Linos grew to be an accomplished musician but provoked Apollo into killing him when he claimed to rival the god as a singer. A lament known as the Linos-song was created in his memory.
Men who have been instructed by Urania are raised to heavenly heights. Those whose chief concern is philosophy and the heavens are dearest to her. During the Renaissance, Christian poets looked to Urania for inspiration. In Book 7 of Milton's Paradise Lost, Milton invokes Urania to aid his narration of the creation of the cosmos.
She is creative and imaginative as well as philosophical by nature. She is touched by whimsy and tragedy alike. Urania is typically portrayed dressed in a cloak embroidered with stars. Her eyes are raised to the heavens and she holds a globe and short staff in her hands.
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