Aug 5, 2013

Morphallaxis Monday

morphallaxis ~ regeneration in a changed form

Is everyone excited about the new Doctor? Kudos to the BBC for co-ordinating their TV special so that everyone got to see it at the same time, thus eliminating spoilers. To me the 12th Doctor Who looks kind of like the love child of David Tennant and Matt Smith, but much older than either of them. I'll reserve judgement on his suitability as the Doctor until I see him in action. :-)

Let's see, what did I do last week?

I did a lot of knitting. In fact, I started a simple sleeveless sweater out of a cotton yarn and kept at it until I ran out of yarn. Three inches of ribbing (which I hate doing) and about fourteen or sixteen inches of sweater, which was about four inches too short. So I ripped it back down to the ribbing and now I've started over, using a contrast colour to add a stripe to the middle of the left side.

I didn't do a lot of reading last week, but I did get a story edited and back to its author and it's a really, really, really good story. It's a romantic suspense called English Breakfast, by Jamie DeBree, and it will be available August 16th. Definitely something for everyone to look forward to.

In the meantime, try Jamie's latest thriller, Sprouted. It's part of her Death by Veggies series. Trust me, you'll never look at chia seeds the same way again. ;-)

You can download your copy from your favorite on-line book store, or from the Brazen Snake Bookstore. It's a steal at $1.99!

This is a holiday for we Canadians, so everyone has the day off. Okay, not everyone, but most of us do. We're off to the cottage this afternoon for a barbeque. I really hate just sitting around out there socializing, so I will be taking my afghan with me to work on.

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part twelve in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot is The Hanged Man.
A new hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday: Chapter 77 of Water. I think it's time to get this group out of the volcano, what do you think?
Friday: This week's Ramble will be another surprise one. Hopefully sometime between now and Friday I will be struck by inspiration. :-)

Other Stuff

This week's TraxTime report runs from July 28 through August 3, which means all that editing I did yesterday won't be included until next week. Also, I added two new projects: Research, which is included with the Non-fiction, and New Ideas, which is included with Fiction.

Crafts - 13 hours and 19 minutes ~ down from 18 hrs 28 min
Emails - 6 hours and 9 minutes ~ about the same - 6 hrs 14 min
Games - 9 hours and 4 minutes ~ way up from 4 hr 28 min
Reading - 1 hour and 29 minutes ~ way down from 4 hrs 30 min
Non-fiction - 10 hours and 43 minutes ~ way up from 5 hrs 33 min
Fiction - 3 hours and 30 minutes ~ about the same - 3 hrs 21 min
Editing - 6 hours and 6 minutes ~ up from 4 hrs 13 min

So ... how'd I do? Over all I think I did really well. Despite the fact my gaming time almost doubled, I still managed to get my editing time and my non-fiction writing time up. This week's goal will be to get that Fiction time up too.

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