mundane ~ lacking interest or excitement; dull
The weather’s turned cool enough that last night I actually slept without the fan on in the bedroom, and I even had a light blanket on the bed. Be still my heart! It’s supposed to warm up slightly as the week goes on, but not to the extremes we’ve been having lately. We are officially entering my favourite time of year. :-)
On the renovation front .... the sink and the faucets for the tub were delivered early last week. The sink is larger than we expected, and heavy (what can you expect from a glass sink) but it’s beautiful. And still in its box so I can’t take a picture.
Not much else to report. Most of what the hubby’s been doing is scraping down walls in there in preparation for new drywall, and wiring for the tub, which you really can’t see. Yesterday the son-in-law helped him carry in the tub and put it in place, and he discovered that the outlet he’d wired in for the tub to plug into had to be moved. Knock on wood that the plumber can come in sometime this week to hook up the tub.
Oh! One thing I could mention. Before moving the tub in, the hubby filled it with enough water to cover the jets so he could test it for leaks and to make sure the jets worked before bringing it inside. Everything worked fine but I was not impressed with the amount of gunk floating around in the tub. He tried to shrug it off by saying the tub had been sitting for a while - yes, it has. In his father’s basement, and then in our driveway covered tightly by a tarp to keep the motor for the jets from getting damp. So where did all this gunk come from? From inside the jets, of course. You can bet I’ll be researching what kind of cleaning solutions I can use on it before I ever set foot in it. Gross!
I have to tell you. I live in a small town - maybe not quite so small as it used to be because subdivisions are springing up all over the place to accommodate all the Torontonians moving down this way, who are all about big houses with teeny yards. But really, a lot of the time there’s not much that goes on here.
To be perfectly honest, I’m kind of boring. So sometimes it’s hard to come up with something to talk about on Monday mornings. I don’t do a whole lot other than reading, writing, and babysitting. And nothing much ever happens in our quiet neighbourhood.
I’ve woken up the last few nights to the sound of coyotes catching their dinner. I kind of figured they were back because the squirrels have been making themselves scarce. Haven’t seen much in the way of blue jays lately either, but I think that’s just a coincidence. My neighbourhood gets blue jays, the daughter’s (a couple of blocks north) gets cardinals. Kind of weird how that works out.
Haven’t seen the frog from my pond lately - I hope he just moved on and wasn’t killed. Although the only creatures I think would eat him would be the raccoons, but they’re messy eaters and I haven’t noticed any little froggy parts scattered about. They have left me a half-eaten, very small, watermelon and various apples stolen from my neighbour’s tree, although the apples could just as easily been left by squirrels.
My two sisters came for an overnight visit, but you probably don’t really care about that. Although they’re more well travelled than I am (one just got back from Italy, one’s getting ready for a cruise) sometimes they can be as boring as me. At one point we were sitting on the deck enjoying the breeze, not saying much, just kind of yawning at each other and trying to keep from being the first one to nod off. LOL
Saturday was our last really hot day and I spent it doing laundry - sheets and towels. Yes, I spent the whole day doing that, with a short break between loads to babysit so the daughter and her hubby could go to the wedding of a friend in the afternoon.
When we painted the upstairs bathroom we got rid of the old, falling apart laundry hamper - and did I mention it was really ugly? It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but now we have no place to put towels waiting to be washed. Guess I’ll have to keep my eye out for a new one.
Last night the hubby and I did something we haven’t done in a while - we watched a really bad movie for me to review this week. How bad was it? You’ll have to come back Wednesday to find out. ;-)
And there you have it. Even a boring life can fill up a blog post.
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